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27 septembre 2005



C'est du joli en effet ; je vois déjà l'étape suivante avec mobilisation du petit peuple UMP dans les campagnes et envoi de lettres type signées des 12 victimes de récidivistes à chaque député ayant saisi le CC pour dénoncer leur geste coupable...


Mur du çon passé par Pascal clément, immédiatement doublé par Nicolas Sarkozy, qui veut imposer des traitements (référence, faite, semble-t-il, à la castration chimique), et ne renaclerait pas non plus à établir la rétroactivité du suivi socio-judiciaire, au mépris des décisions de la Chambre criminelle...

Il convient de se souvenir que tant Nicolas Sarkozy que Pascal Clément ont exercé comme avocats... Peu de temps, il est vrai. Enfin, je suis certain que la professsion se délecte d'une telle représentation. Pour mémoire, le serment :

"Je jure, comme Avocat, d'exercer mes fonctions fonctions avec dignité, conscience, indépendance, probité et humanité."


Doublé par Sarkozy... je ne suis pas d'accord.

Instituer une obligation de soins n'est pas forcément une mauvaise chose. d'autant plus qu'il s'agit d'un suivi strictement médical. Il contribue à aider le violeur à ne pas récidiver. Evidemment, la castration chimique est un autre sujet.

Le bracelet électronique, lui, est un suivi policier, qui fait comprendre au violeur que quoiqu'il fasse,et bien que sa peine soit purgée, il restera un paria. Ce qui rend son usage sur des personnes sorties de prison d'autant moins acceptable. Quand à la rétroactivité de la peine, ce n'est même pas la peine d'en parler.


"Instituer une obligation de soins n'est pas forcément une mauvaise chose. d'autant plus qu'il s'agit d'un suivi strictement médical."


N'était, bien sûr, l'article 16-3 du code civil :

"Il ne peut être porté atteinte à l'intégrité du corps humain qu'en cas de nécessité médicale pour la personne ou à titre exceptionnel dans l'intérêt thérapeutique d'autrui.
Le consentement de l'intéressé doit être recueilli préalablement hors le cas où son état rend nécessaire une intervention thérapeutique à laquelle il n'est pas à même de consentir"

En d'autres termes, le consentement de l'intéressé doit être acquis en cas d'intervention médicale. Vous me direz que la loi pénale peut faire exception aux règles de droit civil. Cependant, il est permis de juger que cette atteinte engagerait beaucoup des droits fondamentaux (sans doute l'a. 8 de la Convention EDH).


J'ai moi même entendu ce matin ce commentaire( que j'ai réprouvé) sur France Info. Deux observations et commentaires personnels:
Sur retransmission internet du journal France deux la veille, j'ai remarqué l'aisance de la pause d'une des victime face à la caméra, lors d'un hors champ filmant les journalistes en situation...cela a induit chez moi
la vague idée de l'aisance d'un mannequin...mais je n'irai pas jusqu'à l'affirmer.
Deux, après l'image, le projet de loi....
Voilà qui pour moi ne fait pas de doute...effet médiatique volontaire.

Je réprouve, car finalement, on a plus de moyens pour mettre en oeuvre des gadgets industrialisables coercitifs(ex aussi de la matraque éléctrique Sakozienne) que de moyens pour agir sur l'humanité des hommes....Cela a un sens qui me fait froid dans le dos.


Jules : ce que vous dites est vrai... mais je peux vous citer un contre exemple.
Prenez par exemple l'obligation vaccinale (quatre vaccins obligatoires) qui va à l'encontre du principe selon lequel le consentement de l'intéressé doit être acquis en cas d'intervention médicale....


Jules : ce que vous dites est vrai... mais je peux vous citer un contre exemple.
Prenez par exemple l'obligation vaccinale (quatre vaccins obligatoires) qui va à l'encontre du principe selon lequel le consentement de l'intéressé doit être acquis en cas d'intervention médicale....

Burt Allibert

Cyrielle, il me semblerait pour ma part que la vaccination obligatoire est précisément un cas d'intérêt thérapeutique d'autrui. La vaccination n'est en effet obligatoire que pour les maladies dont la contagion et le degré de nocivité représentent un danger pour la société entière. Pour les "petites" maladies (genre varicelle, grippe), elle est volontaire.


Je suis loin d'être un spécialiste de droit médical, mais il me semble que l'exemple que vous citez ne signifie pas que l'on peut pratiquer sur le patient une vaccination contre son gré. Il s'agit de l'ui imposer une obligation dont la sanction ne saurait être l'exécution forcée. Je suppose que vous me confirmerez les sanctions risquées en cas de refus ? responsabilité civile (à l'égard de qui ?), contravention de n-ieme classe ?

De façon générale, l'article 1142 CC prévoit que l'obligation de faire ne peut se résoudre qu'en dommages-intérêts, ce à raison de l'atteinte disproportionnée aux droits du débiteur que requérerait une exécution forcée.

De même, l'expulsion d'un locataire indélicat consiste en pratique à saisir le meubles meublants, mais ne peuvent s'étendre à saisir la personne elle-même, qui peut fort bien demeurer dans le lieu de son expulsion, sans meubles.

En d'autres termes, je dirais que l'obligation vaccinale ne me semble pas autoriser une exécution en violation de l'a. 16-3.

De façon générale, l'atteinte au droits du patient ne saurait être justifié que par son intérêt, voire, la politique de santé publique (mais je sui plus résevé sur l'étendue de l'atteinte consentie).


Jules : je ne suis pas experte non plus (loin s'en faut, même !)
En effet, la vaccination forcée au sens physique du terme n'existe pas. Cependant, la personne réfractaire est (je crois, à vérifier) passible d'une peine de prison. N'est-ce pas beau, laors que nos prisons sont déjà surpeuplées ?
Il y avait même eu un projet de loi sur "l'objection de conscience" en matière vaccinale.


Cyrielle : l'obligation vaccinale est matérialisée par les articlew L. 3111-1..7 et L. 3112-1 du code de la santé publique. Le 3116-4 prévoit " une peine de 6 mois d'emprisonnement et de 25 000 F d'amende"

Le Conseil d'Etat considère même que cette obligation assez spécifique à la France s'applique aux citoyens européens y résidant (Art.12) :


Voir éventuellement aussi :



Gus, merci pour toutes ces références.


brutal blowjobs -
bust that cherry -
cum swap sluts -
erotic spank -
from ass to mouth -
gape her ass -
gay dream boys -
gooey holes -
her thick black ass -
latina girl girl -
me fuck you long time -
my first porn scene -
plug her holes -
pornstar tryouts -
pussy pinata -
real big hooters -
screw my sexy wife -
semen slurpers -
shemale ultra -
supreme cock -
swallow this bitch -
sweet suckers -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tight buttholes -
totally amateurs -
white boy stomp -
wrong side of town -
sleep assault -
18 inches of pain -
18 interracial -
amazing footjobs -
ass arsenal -
ass plundering -
bang my hot wife -
bj sandwich -
brazil bang -
brutal blowjobs -
bust that cherry -
cum swap sluts -
erotic spank -
from ass to mouth -
gape her ass -
ghetto attack -
gooey holes -
her thick black ass -
me fuck you long time -
my first porn scene -
plug her holes -
prime man meat -
pussy pinata -
real big hooters -
semen slurpers -
service whores -
shemale ultra -
supreme hardcore -
swallow this bitch -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tight buttholes -
totally amateurs -
white boy stomp -
whore gaggers -
wrong side of town -
spanked and abused -
18 inches of pain -
18 interracial -
amazing footjobs -
ass plundering -
banged babysitters -
bang my hot wife -
bj sandwich -
brazil bang -
brutal blowjobs -
bust that cherry -
cum swap sluts -
erotic spank -
from ass to mouth -
gape her ass -
ghetto attack -
gooey holes -
her thick black ass -
latina girl girl -
me fuck you long time -
my first porn scene -
plug her holes -
prime man meat -
pussy pinata -
real big hooters -
semen slurpers -
service whores -
shemale ultra -
supreme hardcore -
swallow this bitch -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tight buttholes -
totally amateurs -
white boy stomp -
whore gaggers -
wrong side of town -
sperm swap -
18 inches of pain -
18 interracial -
amazing footjobs -
ass plundering -
banged babysitters -
bang my hot wife -
bj sandwich -
brazil bang -
brutal blowjobs -
bust that cherry -
cum swap sluts -
erotic spank -
from ass to mouth -
gape her ass -
girls with nuts -
gooey holes -
her thick black ass -
latina girl girl -
me fuck you long time -
my first porn scene -
plug her holes -
prime man meat -
real arizona amateurs -
real big hooters -
semen slurpers -
service whores -
shemale ultra -
supreme hardcore -
swallow this bitch -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tranny centerfolds -
white boy stomp -
whore whores -
whore wagon -
wrong side of town -
stay after class -
18 inches of pain -
18 interracial -
amazing footjobs -
ass plundering -
banged babysitters -
bang my hot wife -
bj sandwich -
brazil bang -
burtal blowjobs -
bust that cherry -
cum swap sluts -
erotic spank -
from ass to mouth -
gape her ass -
girls with nuts -
gooey holes -
her thick black ass -
little naughty nymphos -
me fuck you long time -
my first porn scene -
plug her holes -
prime man meat -
real arizona amateurs -
real big hooters -
semen slurpers -
service whores -
smut bus -
supreme hardcore -
swallow this bitch -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tranny centerfolds -
white boy stomp -
whore gaggers -
whore wagon -
wrong side of town -
street blowjobs -
18 interracial -
18 years old -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amateur idols -
amazing footjobs -
asian exotics -
banged babysitters -
big titty amateurs -
blowjob junkie -
booty studio -
brazil bang -
bust that cherry -
cum covered glasses -
ebony auditions -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
facial land -
girls with nuts -
indian dream girl -
intense penetrations -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian blush -
lesbian sistas -
little naughty nymphos -
mature appeal -
melon hunter -
no mans playland -
orgy heaven -
phat booty hoes -
pure interracial -
real arizona amateurs -
servie whores -
smut bus -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
whore gaggers -
whore wagon -
tamed teens -
18 interracial -
18 years old -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amateur idols -
amazing footjobs -
asian exotics -
banged babysitters -
big titty amateurs -
blowjob junkie -
booty studio -
brazil bang -
bust that cherry -
cum covered glasses -
ebony auditions -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
facial land -
girls with nuts -
indian dream girl -
intense penetrations -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian blush -
lesbian sistas -
little naughty nymphos -
mature appeal -
melon hunter -
no mans playland -
orgy heaven -
phat booty hoes -
pure interracial -
real arizona amateurs -
service whores -
smut bus -
tasty teen babes -
tranny centerfolds -
whore gaggers -
whore wagon -
taylor bow -
18 interracial -
18 years old -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amateur idols -
anal in the amazon -
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banged babysitters -
big titty amateurs -
blowjob junkie -
booty studio -
bubble butt orgy -
bust that cherry -
cum covered glasses -
ebony bad girls -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
got pornstars -
intense penetrations -
interracial retreat -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian blush -
lesbian suite -
little naughty nymphos -
mature caress -
milfs exposed -
no mans playland -
orgy heaven -
phat booty hoes -
pure interracial -
real arizona amateurs -
sexy and petite -
smut bus -
tasty teen babes -
tranny pursuit -
whore gaggers -
whore wagon -
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18 interracial -
absolutely redheads -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amateur idols -
anal in the amazon -
asian sex train express -
banged babysitters -
big titty amateurs -
blowjob junkie -
booty studio -
bubble butt orgy -
bust that cherry -
cum covered glasses -
ebony bad girls -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
got pornstars -
intense penetrations -
interracial retreat -
just hardcore sex -
lesbian blush -
lesbian suite -
little naughty nymphos -
mature caress -
milfs exposed -
no mans playland -
orgy heaven -
phat booty hoes -
pure interracial -
real arizona amateurs -
sexy and petite -
smut bus -
tasty teen babes -
tranny pursuit -
whore gaggers -
whore wagon -
teeny bopper club -
a lucky stranger -
anal intensity -
anal in the amazon -
awesome interracial -
banged babysitters -
bare foot bad girls -
bubble butt orgy -
cum covered glasses -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony bad girls -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
fuck the babysitter -
got pornstars -
intense penetrations -
interracial retreat -
just over-eighteen -
lesbian exotic -
lesbian suite -
lick that ass -
little naughty nymphos -
mature temptations -
milf exposed -
orgy pleasure -
phat booty hoes -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
sexy and petite -
shots of cum -
smut bus -
stay after class -
teen blowjob auditions -
teenie video -
tranny pursuit -
whore wagon -
the best latinas -
a lucky stranger -
anal intensity -
anal in the amazon -
awesome interracial -
banged babysitters -
bare foot bad girls -
bubble butt orgy -
cum covered glasses -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony bad girls -
ebony dymes -
erotic spank -
fuck the babysitter -
got pornstars -
intense penetrations -
interracial retreat -
just over eighteen -
lesbian exotic -
lesbian suite -
lick that ass -
little naughty nymphos -
mature temptations -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
phat booty hoes -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
sexy and petite -
shots of cum -
smut bus -
stay after class -
teen blowjob auditions -
teenie video -
tranny pursuit -
whore wagon -
the best pov -
a lucky stranger -
anal intensity -
anal in the amazon -
awesome interracial -
bare foot bad girls -
booty catchers -
bubble butt orgy -
cumshot circus -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony candy -
ebony dymes -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
homeboi hookup -
intense penetrations -
jerk that cock -
just over eighteen -
lesbian exotic -
lesbo trick -
lick that ass -
little naughty nymphos -
mature temptations -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
phat white booy -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
sexy and petite -
shots of cum -
smut bus -
stay after class -
teen blowjob auditions -
teenie video -
tranny realm -
the big swallow -
a lucky stranger -
anal intensity -
anal in the amazon -
awesome interracial -
bare foot bad girls -
booty catches -
bubble butt orgy -
cumshot circus -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony candy -
ebony dymes -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
homeboi hookup -
intense penetrations -
jerk that cock -
just over eighteen -
lesbian exotic -
lesbo trick -
lick that ass -
little naughty nymphos -
mature temptations -
milfs exposed -
orgy pleasure -
phat white booty -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
sexy and petite -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teen blowjob auditions -
teenie video -
tranny realm -
thugs and juggs -
a lucky stranger -
anal in the amazon -
anal starlets -
bare foot bad girls -
booty catchers -
back breaking boobs -
bubble butt orgy -
cumshot circus -
dildo brutality -
ebony candy -
ebony hunger -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
homeboi hookup -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
lick that ass -
little naughty nymphos -
maximum orgy -
milfs exposed -
outrageous grannies -
phat white booty -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
shemale angel -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teenie video -
teen rider -
tranny realm -
tight buttholes -
a lucky stranger -
anal in the amazon -
anal starlets -
bare foot bad girls -
booty catchers -
bubble butt orgy -
cumshot circus -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony candy -
ebony hunger -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
homeboi hookup -
intense penetrations -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
lick that ass -
maximum orgy -
milfs exposed -
outrageous grannies -
phat white booty -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
real hooker videos -
shemale angel -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teenie video -
teen rider -
tranny realm -
tinys black adventures -
anal starlets -
asian girl girl -
bare foot bad girls -
black dicks latin chicks -
booty catchers -
back breaking boobs -
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cum thirsty -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
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ebony hunger -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
hot gay porno -
intense penetrations -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
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maximum orgy -
milfs exposed -
milf video planet -
outrageous grannies -
phat white booty -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
real hooker videos -
shemale angel -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teen rider -
thugs and juggs -
truly tranny -
tranny surprise -
anal starlets -
asian girl girl -
bare foot bad girls -
black dicks latin chicks -
bubble butt orgy -
cum thirsty -
dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony candy -
ebony hunger -
escort trick -
fuck the babysitter -
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internal explosions -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
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maximum orgy -
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milf video planet -
outrageous grannies -
phat white booty -
pink eye surprise -
rap video auditions -
real hooker videos -
shemale angel -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teen rider -
thugs and juggs -
truly tranny -
tug jobs -
anal studios -
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bare foot bad girls -
bi experience -
black dicks latin chicks -
booty catchers -
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dildo brutality -
dirty teachers pet -
ebony climax -
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fuck the babysitter -
ghetto hoochies -
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internal explosions -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
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shemale fuck sluts -
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swallow for cash -
teeny mania -
thugs and juggs -
truly tranny -
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anal studios -
asian girl girl -
bare foot bad girls -
bi experience -
black dicks latin chicks -
booty catchers -
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dildo brutality -
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internal explosions -
just adult movies -
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movie flux -
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petite stars -
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pink eye surprise -
real big nudes -
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shots of cum -
stay after class -
swallow for cash -
teeny mania -
thugs and juggs -
truly tranny -
vip crew -
anime illustrated -
asian girl girl -
bare foot girls -
bi experience -


black dicks latin chicks -
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live hardcore shows -
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porn multi pass -
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strictly pornstars -
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teeny mania -
thugs and juggs -
unshaven pubes -
we live together -
anime illustrated -
asian girl girl -
bare foot bad girls -
bi experience -
black dicks latin chicks -
brit bangers -
dildo brutality -
easy elders -
ebony climax -
ebony internal -
ebony knights -
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ghetto hoochies -
hot xxx blonde -
internal explosions -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
lesbian sex city -
lick that ass -
live hardcore shows -
movie flux -
no mans playland -
petite stars -
pink eye surprise -
porn multi pass -
real big nudes -
she has a negro problem -
shots of cum -
stay after class -
strictly pornstars -
teeny mania -
thugs and juggs -
unshaven pubes -
white slave whores -
absolutely redheads -
all interracial -
always amateur -
anime illustrated -
asian girl girl -
bi experience -
black cock party -
black semen lovers -
boob inspector -
booty crushers -
brit bangers -
chubby secrets -
easy elders -
ebony drippers -
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just ebony -
latin exposure -
lesbian sistas -
live hardcore shows -
mega site pass -
naughty teen club -
now eighteen -
porn movie outlet -
porn multi pass -
really nice asses -
she has a negro problem -
strictly pornstars -
swallow for cash -
the adult cinema -
thugs and juggs -
unshaven pubes -
whore wagon -
absolutely redheads -
all interracial -
always amateur -
anime illustrated -
ass arsenal -
bi experience -
black cock party -
black semen lovers -
boob inspector -
booty crushers -
brit bangers -
chubby secrets -
easy elders -
ebony drippers -
ebony internal -
ebony knights -
freaks of porn -
ghetto hoochies -
hot xxx blonde -
internal explosions -
just ebony -
latin exposure -
lesbian sistas -
live hardcore shows -
mega site pass -
naughty teen club -
now eighteen -
porn movie outlet -
porn multi pass -
reallty nice asses -
she has a negro problem -
strictly pornstars -
swallow for cash -
the adult cinema -
thugs and juggs -
we like it black -
wild porn pass -
all anal movies -
anal interracial -
always amateurs -
asian exotics -
ass arsenal -
bi experience -
black cock party -
black dicks latin chicks -
black semen lovers -
boob inspector -
booty crushers -
brit bangers -
chubby secrets -
ebony auditions -
ebony drippers -
ebony internal -
facial land -
freaks of porn -
indian dream girl -
just ebony -
kung pao pussy -
latina girl girl -
latin exposure -
lesbian sistas -
mature appeal -
melon hunter -
naughty teen club -
now eighteen -
porn movie outlet -
pussy foot girls -
really nice asses -
she has a negro problem -
stunning studs -
sweet suckers -
the adult cinema -
thugs and juggs -
we like it black -
xxx proposal -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
always amateur -
asian exotics -
ass arsenal -
bi experience -
black cock party -
black dicks latin chicks -
black semen lovers -
boob inspector -
booty crushers -
brit bangers -
chubby secrets -
ebony auditions -
ebony drippers -
ebony internal -
facial land -
freaks of porn -
indian dream girl -
just ebony -
kung pao pussy -
latina girl girl -
latin exposure -
lesbian sistas -
mature appeal -
melon hunter -
naughty teen club -
now eighteen -
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monsters of cock -
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please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
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please bang my wife -
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tinys black adventures -
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big ass adventure -
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boys first time -
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dangerous dongs -
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monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
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monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
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big ass adventure -
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boys first time -
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college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
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monsters of cock -
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please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
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all reality pass -
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big ass adventure -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
barefoot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
bare foot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
milf hunter -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big ass adventure -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
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all reality pass -
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big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
big cock teen addiction -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -


please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
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all reality pass -
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big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big cock teen addiction -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
big cock teen addiction -
big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
big cock teen addiction -
big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big naturals -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big naturals -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
big cock teen addiction -
big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
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vip crew -
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boys first time -
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college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
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all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big tits round asses -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
big tits round asses -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
bikini contest porn -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
big ass adventure -
big cock addiction -
big cock teen addiction -
big naturals -
boys first time -
busty adventures -
college teens book bang -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
giants black meat white treat -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
monsters of cock -
ox pass -
please bang my wife -
pump that ass -
tinys black adventures -
tongues and toys -
tranny surprise -
vip crew -
blind date bangers -
40 inch plus -
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ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
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big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
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first time auditions -
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public invasion -
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see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
boys first time -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
boys first time -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
bus stop whores -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
bus stop whores -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
busty adventures -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
busty adventures -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
cam crush -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
cam crush -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
captain stabbin -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
captain stabbin -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
casting couch teens -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
casting couch teens -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
coeds need cash -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
coeds need cash -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
college teens book bang -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
cum fiesta -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
cumfiesta -
40 inch plus -
ass parade -
ball honeys -
bare foot maniacs -
big league facials -
big mouthfuls -
big tits round asses -
bikini contest porn -
blind date bangers -
cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
in the vip -
I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -

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